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Construction Truck[]

  • Movement Speed: (wheels); (half-tracks); (tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Build/Repair Speed:
  • Detection Range: (); ()

The Construction Truck is the basis of every technologically advanced force. Nothing in a base of any technological standing happens without it, defensive or offensive. This vehicle builds and repairs everything within any base area or outpost and is the backbone of any military force's area of operation. It's the most basic vehicle of base operations, light and mobile but also very vulnerable with no combat value whatsoever. Keep it far behind the front lines of any active combat zone, preferably within the confines of static defenses.

Spyglass Artillery Sensor[]

  • Movement Speed: (wheels); (half-tracks); (tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range: (); ()

This vehicle is a must for battlefield observation, and savvy commanders will recognize its enormous potential in both strategic and tactical operations. At its most basic, it's a mobile detection and early warning system that works best on high ground where its maximum detection range can be exploited. On low ground it's best placed at the edge of the sensor range of stationary defenses and is particularly effective when paired with artillery, whose fire it can direct and concentrate on a single target to devastating effect. But like the Construction Truck and Field Repair Vehicle, it's not a combat vehicle and is best placed toward the center or rear of an attacking force.

Field Repair Vehicle[]

  • Movement Speed: (wheels); (half-tracks); (tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range: (); ()
  • Repair Speed:

This vehicle is absolutely essential to the sustained integrity and combat fitness of any attack force. Its tactical value can't be overstated, and mixing a few among regular combat units can provide immense benefits. This vehicle's value lies in its ability to repair friendly units on the fly, prolonging the offensive capability of any combat force it's assigned to. But its repair speed is slow and it has no ability for self-repair, so a number will be required to keep frontline units in fighting trim. They also have little armor and are easily destroyed, so keep them behind any units in active combat.

Patrol Car[]

  • Movement Speed: (wheels); (half-tracks); (tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range:
  • Attack Damage: (Machine Gun)
  • Attack Range: (Machine Gun)

This is the smallest, lightest, fastest and cheapest combat vehicle. It has limited combat potential and performs best against other light combat units, such as the ones used by Scavengers. Armed with a small light machine gun, it deals little damage even with upgrades and is ineffective against most combat units that are above its weight class except when employed in large numbers. It has little armor and is easily destroyed in heavy or sustained combat, but is much faster than most other vehicles and can use its speed to outrun pursuing forces.

Escort Car[]

  • Movement Speed: (wheels); (half-tracks); (tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range:
  • Attack Damage: (Twin MG)
  • Attack Range: (Twin MG)

The next step up in basic combat units is the Patrol Car's equal in armor and speed, but deals double the damage thanks to its twin medium machine guns. Though technically an armed support unit, the Escort Car is better equipped for sustained combat and capable of limited assault against entrenched or fortified positions. But this greater combat ability still doesn't match it with heavier combat units, as it's only damage output and not armor that's increased, so its speed is its greatest advantage.

Attack Car[]

  • Movement Speed: (wheels); (half-tracks); (tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range:
  • Attack Damage: (Heavy MG)
  • Attack Range: (Heavy MG)

Though heavier and slower than its predecessors, the Attack Car is able to sustain active combat action longer and deal more damage due to its heavy machine gun. In an attack force this vehicle makes an excellent vanguard unit, as it excels at probing and hit-and-run attacks that can help to wear down enemy units and defenses. It can make short work of cyborgs, hold its own against heavier combat vehicles and even breach reinforced fortifications, especially en mass, but is extremely vulnerable to aircraft.

Assault Car[]

  • Movement Speed: (wheels); (half-tracks); (tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range:
  • Attack Damage: (Assault Gun); (Twin AG)
  • Attack Range: (Assault Gun); (Twin AG)

The heaviest and slowest of its brethren, the Assault Car is the quintessential fast attack vehicle. With the best armor and armament of the combat cars, it can sustain active combat the longest and deal the most damage. Placed at the forefront of an attack force, it will make mincemeat of cyborgs and light vehicles, cause significant damage to heavy vehicles and demolish the hardest defenses. En masse, it will reduce nearly anything to scrap.

Flame Car[]

  • Movement Speed: (wheels); (half-tracks); (tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range:
  • Attack Damage: (Flamethrower)
  • Attack Range: (Flamethrower)

One of the most effective close-range combat weapons is the flamethrower, and mounting it to a vehicle makes it one of the most fearsome units on the battlefield. The Flame Car's flamethrower is most effective against cyborgs and structures, which suffer the most damage from the lingering effects of its high-pressure napalm bursts. En masse, this units is truly terrifying on the battlefield, making quick work of cyborgs, light vehicles and defensive and production structures. But beware: This unit's weapon leaves a patch of burning ground for several seconds wherever it hits, and fire doesn't differentiate between friend or foe. Its destruction will also result a pool of burning gel.

Mobile Artillery[]

  • Movement Speed: (half-tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range:
  • Attack Damage: (Mortar); (Howitzer); (Rocket)
  • Attack Range: (Mortar); (Howitzer); (Rocket)

This vehicle is an invaluable addition to any siege force. It can engage enemy units and defenses from extreme range and pound them into the earth heavy munitions and is even more effective when paired with a Spyglass mobile sensor. But it's meant for long-range bombardment and has no close-in combat capability. It moves and shoots slowly and has little armor, so it doesn't last long alone in a direct confrontation and a mobile escort will be required for it to reach the combat zone intact. Keep it well behind the front of any active combat area.

Mobile AAA[]

  • Movement Speed: (wheels); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range:
  • Attack Damage: (Hurricane); (Cyclone, Whirlwind); (Avenger, Vindicator); (Stormbringer)
  • Attack Range: (Hurricane); (Cyclone, Whirlwind); (Avenger, Vindicator); (Stormbringer)

This vehicle is among the most valuable to have in an attack force. While other vehicles may have some limited anti-air ability, this vehicle is designed from the ground up to engage air units. Though not particularly threatening by itself, several can cause significant damage to an aerial attack force. It has much greater armor than any other light vehicle not classified as a tank, but is also much slower than any other wheeled or tracked vehicle. A wise commander keeps this unit away from the front and out of ground combat, as it has no anti-surface capability.

Light Tank[]

  • Movement Speed: (tracks); (hover)
  • Armor: (kinetic); (thermal)
  • Detection Range:
  • Attack Damage: 61 (Light Cannon); 100 (Flashlight); 160 (Needlegun)
  • Attack Range: 7.5 (Light Cannon); 11 (Needlegun); 12 (Flashlight)

The Light Tank is the pinnacle of light vehicle technology, with the best armor and weapon damage in its class. This makes it an excellent last line of defense in the early game, as it's very difficult for enemy light vehicles to drive away or destroy. However, these advantages in armor and weaponry come at the cost of speed and mobility, meaning the Light Tank isn't particularly fast or maneuverable. Because of this, it's prudent to keep it away from areas where the enemy can concentrate fire and in reserve support for smaller, faster vehicles.
